who dies before the age of forty is chosen by God for redemption due to circumstances known only to God. Anyone who dies before the age of 40 goes to Heaven (46:15, Appendix 32). God’s immense mercy is evident from the fact that even those who believe in the Quran find it difficult to accept such a compassionate divine law.

God’s messengers delivered the good news of our God-given chance to redeem ourselves, and they were supported by formidable signs. When Moses went to Pharaoh, he was supported by such miracles as the turning of his staff into a serpent. Jesus created live birds from clay by God’s leave, healed the leprous and the blind by God’s leave, and revived the dead by God’s leave. The prophet Muhammad, God’s messenger who delivered this Final Testament, did not exhibit such miracles (10:20). The Quran itself was the miracle supporting Muhammad’s mission (29:50-51). It was divine wisdom that separated the Miracle of the Quran from Muhammad by 14 centuries. Now that we understand the momentous dimensions of the Quran’s mathematical miracle (Appendix 1), we realize that millions of people would have worshiped Muhammad as God incarnate if this Miracle were revealed through him.


Proof of Authenticity:

Physical, Tangible, Irrefutable.

With the advent of the computer age, we discover that the Quran’s mathematical code is “One of the great miracles” as stated in 74:30-35. While the miracles given to previous messengers were limited in time and place, the Quran’s miracle is perpetual. Only a few people witnessed the miracles of Moses and Jesus, but the Quran’s miracle can be witnessed by anyone at any time. Furthermore, the Quran’s miracle documents and proves all the previous miracles (5:48).

As detailed in Appendix 1, the Quran’s mathematical miracle is based on the number “19.” To share this awesome miracle with the reader, the word “GOD” is printed throughout the English text in bold capital letters and the cumulative number of occurrences is shown at the lower left corner of every page. The total occurrence of this most important word is shown at the end of the Quran to be 2698. This total is a multiple of 19. Additionally, when we add the numbers assigned to every verse where the word “God” occurs, the total comes to 118123, also a multiple of 19  (19x6217).  The  cumulative  sum  of  verse  numbers  where  the  word  “God” occurs is shown on the lower right corner of every page. These simple physical facts are easily verifiable by the reader, and they suffice to prove the super-human nature of the Quran’s mathematical composition.


Proof of Authenticity to be Verified by the Reader

Total Count of the Word “God” (Shown at the lower left corner of every page): 2698  (19x142)

Total Sum of Verse Numbers (Shown at the lower right corner): 118123  (19x6217)


In addition to the Quran’s extraordinary mathematical composition, we find a large number of Quranic facts which are proven or theorized by modern science. Here are a few examples of such advance scientific information:

1.       The earth is egg-shaped (10:24, 39:5, 79:30).                       

2.       The earth is not standing still; it moves constantly (27:88).

3.       The sun is a source of light, while the moon reflects it (10:5, 25:61, 71:16).

4.       The proportion of oxygen diminishes as we climb towards the sky (6:125).

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