(2) Animals
Although the angels suggested that the rebels and their leader should be exiled from God’s kingdom (2:30), the Most Merciful willed to give the rebels a chance to denounce their crime, repent, and submit to His absolute authority (33:72). As represented in the diagram above, the vast majority of the rebels took advantage of God’s gracious offer to re-enter His kingdom. They agreed to kill their egos, come to this world to perform a submissive role, as an expiation for their blasphemy. In return for their submissive role in this world, these creatures are redeemed back to God’s eternal kingdom (6:38). The horse, the dog, the tree, the sun, the moon, the stars, as well as deformed and retarded children are among the intelligent creatures who denounced their crime and repented:
Do you not realize that to God prostrates everything in the heavens and the earth; the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the animals, as well as many people? Many people, however, are destined for retribution. (22:18) |
The stars and the trees prostrate (55:6) |
The horse has no ego. The horse’s owner can be rich or poor, tall or short, fat or thin, young or old, and the horse will serve them all. The dog has no ego; it will wag its tail to its owner, no matter how rich or poor the owner might be. The sun rises and sets every day at precisely the times prescribed by God. The moon follows its synchronized orbit around the earth, without the slightest deviation. The human body—a temporary garment—belongs to the Earth; as such, it is a submitter. The heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs, perform their functions without our control.
(3)The Humans
The hard-core rebels—humans and jinns—refused to denounce their crime, and opted for witnessing a demonstration of Satan’s claim. These egotistic creatures who failed to submit to God’s absolute authority, even when offered a chance to do so, were divided in half. The half that were less convinced of Satan’s point of view became classified as humans. Although they harbored doubts about Satan’s claim, they failed to make a firm stand regarding God’s absolute authority. It is the ego that prevented these creatures from appreciating God’s omnipotence, it is the ego that prevented them from submitting when such an opportunity was offered to them (33:72), and it is the ego that stands between most of us and redemption to God’s kingdom (25:43). This is why “Kill your ego” is one of the first commandments in the Quran (2:54).